Flera Birmane

Flera Birmane’s thangkas emanate love and passion towards Tibetan culture and are created for benefit of all sentient beings.

Flera Birmane (Konchog Chodon) graduated from the Art Academy of Latvia in painting in 2009. After a visit to Ladakh, India, she decided to continue her painting studies in traditional Tibetan thangka painting at Tsering Art school in Kathmandu, Nepal under the guidance of master-painter Konchog Lhadrep. She has also studied mineral stone pigment painting with master Sudarshan Suwal – in the Nepalese tradition.

Flera Birmane’s thangkas emanate love and passion towards Tibetan culture and are created for benefit of all sentient beings.

Tsering Art School is located at the site of Shechen Monastery near the Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a renowned Thangka painting school of the Karma Gardri tradition which was established by Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche in 1996. The school curriculum continues for six years. It is a very rare place where a person can learn thangka painting and also the history and theory of Tibetan Buddhism art.

Konchog Lhadrepa is a principal of Tsering Art School and one of the last authentic holders of the Karma Gardri style of painting. He studied thangka painting in Sikkim under the guidance of the master-painter of the Karma Gardri style, Lhadre Tragyel. He is not only an especially talented thangka painter but also a person having a deep understanding and knowledge of Buddhism that was cultivated through his studies under Kyabje Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche. He is also the author of the manual of thangka painting “The Path To Liberation”.

Sudarshan Suwal is recognized as one of the most prominent painters of the Nepalese Buddhist tradition in Nepal. He has won several prizes in national competitions, and his thangkas have been exhibited at solo shows in Nepal and Denmark. In 2001, he was invited to teach at Shechen Monastery in Bhutan. He has worked on wall paintings in the Vasundhara Temple at Swayambhu. He also worked on decorative wall paintings for the movie Little Buddha.

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